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About us

About us

Innosertec Group SRL (Innovaciones y Servicios Tecnológicos SRL) It is the predecessor company of Mantech Servicios Informáticos and was born at the end of 2017 in principle with the fundamental purpose of being a supplier company of the Dominican State.

Our long experience working for companies in the installation and maintenance of systems gives us sufficient guarantees to offer quality services in the field of information technology. A good job is achieved with dedication, at Innosertec each project is unique and we take care of it until it is finished.

Innosertec SRL

You will have a team of highly qualified technicians as if they were your own IT department without the obligations that this implies and with significantly lower costs.

Knowing that not all companies have the same sizes and problems, you can choose between different contract modalities that range from basic to comprehensive maintenance depending on the services that are included. Even if you wish, we can carry out specific technical assistance tasks for your company.

Our mission:

Prevent, evaluate, identify and solve the needs of our clients to allow your company, business or residence the tranquility and satisfaction of making more and better the quality of their operations, as well as the lives of our clients, always granting profitability to their needs.

Our vision:

To become a trusted Organization to satisfy the needs of each of our clients who place their projects in our hands, guaranteeing a benefit in the short, medium and long term and that they can count on a responsible, committed and integral staff at the time of entrust us with a task.

Our values:

Honesty: Our Company ensures the honesty and professional ethics of all its direct and indirect collaborators through the implementation and knowledge of its codes of Ethics and Conduct.

Reliability: At Innosertec Group we advocate offering our clients reliability when delivering their projects to us.

Professionalism: We are capable of performing and complying efficiently with the services we offer to the market.

Responsibility: Our Company is governed by strict codes of ethics and conduct, as well as we implement a client treatment policy which leads us to act responsibly towards them, in the same way we have a corporate social responsibility policy.

Integrity: We do the right thing; Integrity is not spontaneous in business. Increasing the integrity level of this company begins by better defining the parameters and being more proactive in the selection process of our collaborators.

Quality: Quality at Innnosertec Group is the most important factor since it produces satisfaction for our customers, employees and shareholders, and provides practical tools for comprehensive management, which is why at Innosertec we have a quality policy that seeks continuous improvement in each and every one of its processes and services.

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